A Change of Focus, Challenges and New Partners

There are always going to be challenges with a project such as ours. Last year Ghana became the first country in Africa to offer free secondary education. Whilst this is obviously great for Ghana it understandably impacted our ability to raise revenue through school fees. As a result, and with some very exciting new partners, we took the decision to adapt our financial model and seek to raise running costs from exporting produce from our school farm. The extremely positive upshot of this is that our school is 100% free to all students.

New partners

In mid 2018, AME partnered with www.ieng-group.com, who have provided infrastructure development and with www.tonigarrnfoundation.org who have provided funding and visibility. Together they have donated a school dormitory, which is currently being constructed and a school bus. Both of these additions will allow us to recruit more students going forward.

Most exciting of all is that they are committed to developing a model for building further schools, in Ghana and beyond, with agricultural exporting at the fore.


A Thank you to the Garrn Foundation


Phase 2 Complete