A Thank you to the Garrn Foundation

Alma Mater Education would like to thank the Garrn Foundation for its continued and generous support in 2019. The grant was spent entirely in Ghana and on the following activities:

Building a science lab

The science lab represents a huge step forward for Alma Mater and will enable it to improve the level of chemistry, biology and physics teaching at the school. Previously pupils had to visit another local school to undertake science practicals. The completion of the lab has seen an increase in numbers of those wanting to study science subjects.

Completing the girls’ dormitory

The girls’ dormitory was built in 2018 and has become a wonderful addition to Alma Mater school, enabling the enhanced education of eighty girls each year.

One of the huge benefits of the girls staying in the dormitory is their ability to focus on studies better than they would able to at home. Traditionally, the girls of the family are called upon to help their mothers with cooking, water collection, cleaning and farming. In the dormitory, however, with light provided by solar panels, they can complete their homework and continue their studying with other pupils, under the watchful eye of the two housemothers.

As well as providing an excellent education, secondary school represents the first time that most of these girls have ever lived away from home. Teachers’ salaries remain the school’s single biggest expense, but this is reflected in the high standards of their work. The teachers at Alma Mater routinely visit the houses of all the families of its pupils and they take their pastoral duties very seriously.

Borehole and solar water pump

In order to make sure that the girls have access to running water it was necessary to sink a new borehole and attach a water pump which is driven by a solar water pump. They have up until now been using water collected from a stand-pipe.

Buying books for the new academic year

Giving our pupils access to free books is a key feature of Alma Mater, to ensure that all children can study regardless of family income. This year, with the kind donation of the Garrn Foundation and Hamburg school, a total of £1,000 was spent on new books for the school.


Spring Newsletter


A Change of Focus, Challenges and New Partners